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In this workshop, we aim to take a closer look at the changing patterns of labor migration from Southern Europe to North Hesse, using the example of Spanish migrants. In the 1960s, many young, mostly unskilled workers came to Kassel and North Hesse, meeting the demand in industrial plants. Today, numerous university graduates seek to escape the limited opportunities in the Iberian Peninsula’s job market.

While migrants of the first generation often ended up “coming to stay,” contemporary mobility trends enable a form of long-distance commuting. This allows individuals to maintain social and family ties in their home country. The phase of life in Germany is thus seen more as an interim period with a constant focus on a potential return sooner or later.

In a panel discussion, individuals from different migrant generations will explore these biographical experiences, offering insights into the future of Europe with an integrated job market and cross-border mobility.

The workshop’s title alludes to the longstanding Spanish establishment “Casa Manolo” (Manuel’s House), which was situated for a long time at Holländischer Platz. It served as a meeting point for Spanish-speaking migrant workers, as well as locals and students from the nearby university who enjoyed the affordable authentic cuisine, immersing themselves in a touch of Spain.

Workshop leader: Jörg Daniel, Deutsch-Spanische Gesellschaft Nordhessen
Meeting place: vhs Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-21, Raum 304
Language: German, Spanish, (optionally: request translation)

  • Module 3, Saturday 14.09.2024, 10 o’clock

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