
In 1562, the distinguished Dutch painter Pieter Breugel created the painting ” Two Chained Monkeys “. 400 years later, the Polish poet Wisława Szymborska, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996, uses this enigmatic work as the inspiration for her poem ” Breughel’s Two Monkeys “.
And it inspires us to talk about questions that have preoccupied Europe for hundreds of years.
This is therefore not a seminar on art history or literary studies. We are following the example of W. Szymborska, who said in her Nobel Prize speech: “As soon as a problem is solved, a multitude of new questions arise. Inspiration, whatever it may be, arises from a perpetual ‘I don’t know’.”

Module 1 and 2 on 02.09.2022 from 10 am until 1 pm and 2 pm until 5 pm

Workshop leader: Friederun Gutmann
Participants: max. 15
Languages: Deutsch
Venue: Kunsttempel Kassel, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 177
