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1. ‘Dialogue across cultures – a model of intercultural, transnational family mediation in cases of parental child abduction or risk of child abduction’
Malgorzata Chachaj, intercultural trainer, mediator in family matters, therapist (Gdansk)

2. ‘MediMediation and parental agreements in cross-border custody and contact conflicts before German family courts: The roles of family courts, youth welfare offices, lawyers and mediators‘
Dr Gudrun Lies-Benachib, Presiding Judge at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt (Kassel)

3. Practical mediation in cross-border custody disputes between Poland and Germany
Attorney Maja Gidian (Gdansk)

Workshop leader: Nicola Behrend, Dr Peter Masuch
Meeting point: Federal Social Court, Graf-Bernadotte-Platz 5, 34119 Kassel
Language: German, Polish
Modules: Module 1: Friday, 13 September 2024, 10 am – 1 pm

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